MapInfo Professional V6.5 英文光碟正式版

商品名稱: MapInfo Professional V6.5

商品分類: 工程繪圖、計算、分析軟體

語系版本: 英文光碟正式版

更新日期: 2006-02-01

熱門標籤: MapInfo Professional 


| MapInfo Professional v6.5 (c) MapInfo |
[ Release Notes ]---------------------------------------------

The world's leading software for mapping and geographic

MapInfo Professional v6.5, the industry's leading business
mapping solution, lets you perform sophisticated and detailed
data analysis to better understand business information.

Use MapInfo Professional to:

Create highly detailed maps to enhance presentations and aid
in decision making

Reveal patterns and trends in your data that may otherwise be
impossible to see

Perform sophisticated and extensive data analysis

Understand customer and marketplace demographics

Manage geographically based assets, such as stores, people
and property

Plan logistics and prepare for emergency response

The award-winning MapInfo Professional package includes a
built-in geocoder, more than 540 MB of data and an extensive
collection of pre-designed maps. It's simple to use, powerful
and easily integrates with other mapping applications.

Further Information:

Install Notes:
1. Install
2. When asked, enter PN: 19154005
SN: S654433451
3. Enjoy!

MapInfo Professional V6.5 英文光碟正式版


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