IEZ SPEEDIKON A V6.0.20 英/德文光碟正式版
商品名稱: IEZ SPEEDIKON A V6.0.20
商品分類: 工程繪圖、計算、分析軟體
語系版本: 英/德文光碟正式版
運行平台: FOR WIN 98/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP
更新日期: 2006-02-01
IEZ Speedikon A 是一套在windows 作業環境下,不需外掛於任何程式就可以透過
操作可以不輸任何一套CAD/CAM 軟體,所以這是一套非常適合於發展建置期所使用
的CAD/CAM 軟體。XYZ軟體補給站
Speedikon A is fully integrated in the Autodesk product AutoCAD.
The combination of the diverse AutoCAD possibilities and speedikon
creates a highly productive architecture software that supports the
entire work process, from the design to the implementation planning.
The user interface is the same as the familiar Windows design. It is not
necessary to make inputs in the AutoCAD command line as speedikon A can
be used exclusively via menu inputs, tool bars or Windows dialog boxes.
speedikon on AutoCAD opens new dimensions for every architect and for
projects of all sizes because this construction CAD software keeps pace
with every idea, no matter how unusual it is, and knows no limits, even
with large projects.
IEZ SPEEDIKON A V6.0.20 英/德文光碟正式版