CFDESIGN V6.0 英文光碟正式版
商品名稱: CFDESIGN V6.0
商品分類: 工程繪圖、計算、分析軟體
語系版本: 英文光碟正式版
運行平台: FOR WIN NT/WIN 2000
更新日期: 2003-04-10
機械 CAD軟體直接導入建好的3D模型,讓工程師不用為了要瞭解工程流體力學的資
所以有了 CFdesign 這套軟體,它可以讓機械工程師與熱流工程師開始握手言和。
不用為了產品的結果及原因而爭吵不休!!NDW Stuido.
CFdesign is a high-powered engineering simulation tool developed
specifically for multi-faceted, multi-tasking product development and
mechanical engineering teams.
With CFdesign you only build your model once - inside your MCAD system.
Simply open your 3D part or assembly and you're ready to go. Anytime a
change is made in the MCAD system, the change is immediately seen in
The software features an associative relationship with part geometry and
assemblies, and automatically produces the optimal mesh required for
accurate CFD simulations.
CFdesign reliably simulates a broad range of fluid flow and heat
transfer scenarios (check out our Applications section for details).
Highly automated functionality and built-in intelligence guide the user,
making CFdesign an ideal desktop tool for beginners and advanced users.
CFDESIGN V6.0 英文光碟正式版